Sunday, December 1, 2013

We are at 5 years of film making history!

We are celebrating the five year anniversary of Three Squares Film Festival and we are as shocked as you are that we made it this far. We are confident here at 3SFF headquarters that this season will be the best season ever! This is because in general the past year has been the strangest ever and therefore we have the best material possible to work with. You can expect some regular features such as -

Brad's Philanthropy Gone Wild!

Where in the world is...Fifi? (This is serious, Thera can't find her anywhere, have you checked the church parking lot?)

Musings from the Mormon Feminist (featuring Sarah, of course)

Conversion Challenge 2013

Janna Tweets - Things she wishes Howard would say

And what I think will be the best treat of all-

Janna and Howard's E-mails Hacked (including everything they are saying about us behind our backs)

Like I said before...THE BEST SEASON EVER!

Happy Anniversary Everyone!


NaDell said...

Yea! I was just thinking about this yesterday and how fun it is!

Howard said...

Yes, it's been an interesting year. My defection to the Democratic Party is probably the most notable. I doubt it will help Harry Reed much, but it certainly won't hurt Mitt Romney, either. To those who would be most offended by such a defection, please view it as just a secret, undercover assignment. I'll report my findings throughout the blog.

Howard said...


Janna said...

Nancy Pelosi comment was made Janna

Thera Rew said...

Boy the word really travels fast!!!

Melissa said...

Has it really been 5 years? 5 years of horrible videos that my family has created?! That is hilarious. And as for the people that we are this year the pictures are hilarious! Although Jen... I mean Diane, I am worried Ryan might pay you a visit now that he knows where you live... You might want to keep your mouth tight lipped while impersonating that one. Hahaha jk... or... am I? It would most likely end in him stealing all of your TV remotes as well... Good luck with that. No more New Girl for you!

Brad Rew said...

Hey! If any of you are looking for any last-minute gift ideas for me, I have one. I'd like all of Congress, my government, right here tonight. I want them brought from their happy holiday slumber over there on White House lane with all the other rich people and I want them brought right here, with a big ribbon on their head, and I want to look them straight in the eye and I want to tell them what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-a**, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey sh** he is! Hallelujah! Holy sh**! Where's the Tylenol?


Merry Christmas everyone I am excited for this years 3SFF!!!!

Brad AKA Ron Paul

P.S. these will be my last comments!! :)

Melissa said...

Brad- AKA Ron Paul-

You are not Rand! This is not the Filibuster! Take a deep breath, drink a Mountain Dew and burst your ulcer, play some basketball and nearly destroy your kidney or teeth. Whatever you get to first. Before you save the world you need to save yourself! Why you may ask?! Because I heard a rumor that 3 Squares has been investigating you all year and you may be popping up in conversation on here. What does that mean? That you WILL be commenting again and it might be even harder than Rand's 13 hour filibuster. Call him and take notes!!!