Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Mormon Feminist Musing

Frankly, I am frightened of my own power.

I did it. I attended the Stake Priesthood Meeting last Saturday and so much more.

Maybe it was the announcement to my 1123 Facebook friends or my feminist yard signs but the word got out about my plans to attend this important meeting.

On the day of the meeting I received a phone call from a male leader who was making a very serious request. "Sister I heard you might be at the stake center this afternoon, if so, could you bring a plate of brownies?"

You see, the same meeting that a sister may beg entrance to a brother will need a brownie to motivate him into attending. 

So I dropped my platter of brownies off at the church kitchen and agreed to stop by and help serve them following the meeting.

Then I waited in the foyer for my big courageous moment and it sort of happened. 

Brother White-shirt-white-guy came out into the foyer and made a second request of me-

And it wasn't "Sister would you like to attend the priesthood meeting because your just as smart and useful?"

Nor was it "Sister go back to your rightful place in the kitchen with your brownies and your frilly skirts."

But rather- "Sister, do you know how to play the organ?"

And since I do  play the organ along with bake brownies, I went in and did it. 

I played that hymn as slow I could. You see organists are covert feminists. Their mission is to lull to sleep anyone who might not be keen on progress. It's been a very successful movement. 

This is why all hymns are played at half speed and has been the case since the church made a stand against the ERA. 

Somewhere near the end of the fourth verse anyone who is still a Glenn Beck fan had nodded off  so I stuck around for the speakers. 

What did I learn?

It turns out the men need to be nicer to their wives. I made a note of it for Josh. 

And that is how a Sister attended the Priesthood meeting.

Operation Poison The Male Organists...SUCCESS. 


Melissa said...

OH my gosh!!!! This is my favorite! Why you ask?!?! Because this WOULD REALLY HAPPEN TO SARAH!!!

Janna said...

I am going to use the slow hymn approach this Sunday to push my own feminist agenda. I loved it. Great idea!