Thursday, December 5, 2013

"I don't know what to say, except it's Christmas and we're all in misery." - Ellen Griswold

When I was growing up I thought I was raised in a conservative household. Here is my evidence: My parents gave Dr. Laura plenty of attention when it was the cool thing to do. My dad never went swimming shirtless, ever (it may be a thing). My mom thought rebellion was wearing the color red. We never got to watch 90210. I was required to wear nylons to church.


Truly by way of religion my parents aren't the fundamentalists I thought they were. My examples: First off, they led me to believe that thousands of years ago dinosaurs roamed the earth. They drank caffeine sodas before anyone realized our religion allowed it. My mother used to have a third piercing. We were encouraged to watch SNL.

So occasionally one of us has a freak out. We are a confused bunch. Frankly it's been a confusing year. Especially for Brad. 

We thought of censoring some of Brad's comments. Of course just the parts about our beloved President. I think a better plan though is to embrace diversity. 

Every time I read the Christmas blog or visit my family for that matter I think to myself:

"If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn't be more surprised than I am now." - 
Clark Griswold 

I think that's what makes family great!

Now on to more pressing things. Fifi is missing, again. We know she is staying within city limits because no three-year-old should just walk out of town on her own. That would just be neglectful parenting. 

Where would be the logical place to find her?

Your guess is as good as Thera's. Whoever finds her first gets the prize! More clues to come....

Where in the world is...

Little Fifi


Janna said...

I am guessing Fifi has wandered two doors down to Rachel's basement. With a new baby, Rachel has no clue who is in her basement. Case in point the entire Crestview Ward Primary Adult Christmas Party.

I am thinking Rachel might not be surprised if she woke up with her head sewn to the carpet!!

Thera Rew said...

I think Fefe is in the church Parking lot. After an exhasting day at a primary function she managed to get left behind. Shame on those parents!!! (And the primary staff that made sure every child was gone before they left). Fefe I am guessing is not bothered at all. She is having a ton of fun jumping the parking lines.