Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Musings of a Feminist Mormon

Hi All!

It's 5 days and counting till I make my stand at the Stake Center for the 4pm session of Stake Priesthood leadership meeting. Oh girl, am I excited!

Last night for FHE I gave the kids blessings. Just kidding. But I thought about it.

So I told Josh that he should give the kids blessings. You know, their back-to-school father's blessing. So he did. Just kidding. He just thought about it.

I guess equality is alive and well in the church after all.

The women desire to do it but can't and the men are nagged to do it but often get to busy watching Scooby Doo.

And in the end very little gets done.

I've decided that is part of the plan.

Our Heavenly Mother's plan. She's trying to draw this thing out.

While locking myself in the bathroom hiding from the kids while reading FMH on my cell phone and yelling at my kids "Mommy's going potty can't I just have a moment!" I came to this realization:

I realized my Heavenly Mother is at her stage in life when all the kids have gone to school full day. She isn't mentioned or talked about or prayed to because she's busy doing yoga, shopping and finally getting a break from all of us.

You see my thought is she probably was running the show in the preexistence.

She knows that just like any other mother when we all finally come home, it'll be all on her again. Mister Idea Man Husband will retreat to his office to plan other worlds. She'll be meeting the needs, doing the nurturing, cooking the meals, playing the wii with billions of grandchildren and she will love it. You see nobody loves a child as much as mother.

But she also knows when we all come home it will feel like eternity.



Janna said...

I actually just love this post. Love, Love, Love, it! It made me laugh.

Melissa said...

Was this for sure written by Sarah? I feel like some of might have come from Nana :) And I am concerned at how good Jen is getting at imitating how all of us talk... You should have seen the email that she sent me back "pretending" to be Nana.

the Rew Crew said...
