Saturday, December 10, 2011


Brad is making a guest appearance on Hannity's radio show at 12:00 on Monday. I mention Hannity on the blog and he comes begging. These opportunities come your way when your family has a wildly successful Christmas blog. He'll be discussing small business yada yada. I am confident he'll do a great job. It still doesn't change the fact that this blog has a left wing agenda.

As for the free publicity, Sean Hannity you are welcome.

Brad the world will be listening. Good luck. The family is proud.


Janna said...

Do you think I will feel any different if I have a famous child?

Melissa said...

I am afraid he might become the favorite....

Brad Rew said...

First of all I'm not even sure he is airing our conversation just asuming. Second, yes mom you will feel different but not as different if Josh's choice of work was an exotic dancer. And last Missy I am the favorite!