Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Gold Rush West Richland Part 2

Going for the "Glory Hole"

Inspired by the reality TV series "Gold Rush: Alaska" Brad or "Dakota Brad" as we all now call him has been struggling with his rag tag crew of MBM's (Mano by marriage) to hit pay dirt on what he feels is his "Glory Hole".

He had calculated to beat the original crew from the show in Porcupine Creek, Alaska he would just need to earn back at least .02% of what he's invested thus far. Which was really just some shovels and a few lunches at Samurai Sam's. Things have changed. They are now calling the old sand volleyball court the "Glory Hole". He's got gold fever. There's no stopping.

Why? Because he struck gold. A shiny little nugget was found just feet below the surface.

Unfortunately, the mine is actually bone dry.

Desperate to get Dakota Brad back to work on his Construction Company/Magazine, Howard's been melting Janna's jewelry in the garage. He then buries it out on the mine claim on his way home from church meetings. He believed that if they reached their goal that Dakota Brad and his MBM's would come back to the office. It's lonely listening to AM radio by yourself.

Unfortunately for Howard that small bit of success which was once a gold locket has just spurred them all on. It's going to be a long winter.

Howard's praying the ground will freeze.


Thera Rew said...

Yeah I think 3SFF fixed their problem. Maybe we will see more comments from you readers

Howard said...

Actually it's Janna that's been melting the jewelry down. Seems she bought a new jewelry case, more like an armoire, that turned out to be too small. The gold jewelry melts down better than the costume jewelry, and she had more of it, so it was a practical solution.

Janna said...

What gold jewelry? All I have is costume jewelry. We are retired remember? We have no money!!

Melissa said...

Mom what on earth are you wearing costumes jewelry for? I am starting to worry about this family. Josh applying for exotic dancing jobs, Mom wearing costumer jewelry... Hahaha