Thursday, December 23, 2010

Notice to Slackers!

By unanimous vote (actually it was Thera's idea) the deadline for video submittals has been EXTENDED to December 31st. THANK YOU THERA!

We will now call them 'holiday' videos, not Christmas videos. We don't want to offend those who will not have finished in time for Christmas, after all.


Janna said...

How is it that Josh and Sarah can have all these amazing dance performances, but yet they can't seem to get their video in on time? Everyone had a year to plan and you knew the deadline... Too bad so sad. We are posting our videos online Xmas Eve like planned.. (This is Missy and Ryan). If I can do it throwing up the rest of you have no excuse :) Merry Christmas!

Thera Rew said...

Don;t worry Missy your mom and dad are taking a sigh of relief. They weren't sure they had any talents. Oh and Jenni was going to use the excuse that blogging this past month was her talent because you know how 6 kids is just a little to much for Jen and they haven't even begun their video. I guess you are just out of the loop AGAIN. :-)