Monday, December 13, 2010

Why Papa Howard Doesn't Swim

I am told that Dad made it home from the Thousand Islands in time to help Janna and grandsons finish putting lights on the Christmas tree.
Janna thought it would be a great time to talk to the kids about the nativity and the true meaning of Christmas.
Howard thought it was the perfect opportunity to, well, expand their minds.
Thera admits that she wasn't expecting an afternoon at Nana and Papa's to be so informative but said "one less awkward conversation I have to have with the boys."
Howard's side is simple "I was only explaining the male and female ends of the Christmas lights."
Janna states "I left the room for a moment to get my step stool and came back and Braden was saying so that's where babies come from?!?
To be fair to my Dad I am pretty confident he was only explaining electrical components. I also know how thorough Howard can be and therefore am pretty confident Braden now knows where babies come from.
Having taught some of my children the birds and the bees I found this tactic to be brilliant. I plan to send the rest of my children home to decorate Christmas trees over the next few years.
Howard's going to be embarrassed over this post but not quite as embarrassed as the time Janna convinced him to go hot tubbing. The evening ended with Janna having to take scissors to cut his swimsuit off of him. Do we really even need to know more?
The story gets funnier every time Sarah tells it.

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