Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Who is Sophia?

Sophia is Miracle's nickname. Miracle was given her namesake because of her miraculous conception after a tragic church basketball injury. Brad and Thera waited five long years for her. Brad's a little embarrassed so he insists on calling Miracle "Sophia" after his favorite sister-in-law. This just infuriates Sarah.

Brad was also a little angry when he found out I had spilled the back story to Miracle's name on the blog. Rumor has it he wanted to give me the finger but unfortunately Brad attended the ward turkey bowl and now all his fingers are dislocated. Which is worse than his usual groin injuries but better than the time he burst a kidney at a stake tournament.

Recently when Brad got both his front teeth knocked out at open gym, Thera just lost it.

I am told she said, "Brad enough is enough. I will not stand by as you slowly kill yourself at three on three tournaments and pick up games."

To which Brad replied "Thportth are my life!"

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