Friday, December 10, 2010


Congratulations Sarah on winning yet another contest. It is exciting to know that someone is still reading this website. Your prize...drumroll...nothing. Missy claims she's too sick to crochet which is sad when there are so many beanie hat thingies left be to made.
Unfortunately it looks like another season has nearly come and gone and no nude performance from Howard and Janna. If I were Ryan I would take this as a sign and start stocking up on Coca Cola and cancel the BYU channel.

Next week is our last formal week of film festival posting. On Monday the 20th I will turn the password of this blog over to the rest of the family for them to post as they wish leading up to the 24th. If last year is any indication expect that week to be a snoozer.

On the 24th everyone will upload their videos. Yes, Josh, Sarah, Brad, Thera, Missy, Ryan, Howard, Janna, Chad and Jen you are supposed to be doing a video. That is the whole point of this website.

Coming up next week a riveting expose' that may or may not be entitled "Howard's in the Room Cover Your Children's Ears!".

1 comment:

the Rew Crew said...

I, for one, cannot wait. Also I want my turkey hat.