Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pandora's Box

On Friday December 18th I will make one final post before the videos go up live on the 23rd. I have decided for a brief period of time to relinquish the username and password to this blog to the film festival contestants.

I will e-mail the necessary info this Friday. From Friday to Tuesday December 22nd all family members will be free to post whatever they wish. Possibly they want to praise me for my amazing blogging talents and incredible ability to bring family unity. Chad is sure they will want to tease him about his dashing good looks sprinkled with comments about our rapid reproduction skills which probably has to do with Chad's dashing good looks.

On Wednesday December 23rd the password will change and I will make my triumphant return with the posting of every one's videos. Sometime this week I will have instructions on how to post the video to Youtube and what to name your video.

Be thinking of fun blog posts!

1 comment:

Howard Rew said...

I think it might be beneficial to all readers if I were to expound upon the scientific theories, lavatory experiments, and personal testimonials that support the 3 squares axiom. I might also mention some research that's in progress.