Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Belated Announcement!

As promoter of the 3 squares film festival I created this website to drive people to vote for the music video that best suited my parents. It's ironic that in all the excitement I forgot to announce the winner. I prepared a list of excuses-

1. Brad was victim of domestic abuse this weekend and I have been worried sick.
2. I spent precious blogging time last night on the phone with my father discussing his bodily functions. Which according to him are working well.
3. Ryan's holding hostages in his garage, which caused me to wikipedia the Patriot Act.
4. My staffers (David & Sam) got into some craft stamps and stamped each others faces and then each others bums. After a lengthy bath it appears that the ink is permanent.
5. I learned in the wikipedia research I did that "Patriot Act" is actually an acronym. I then spent too much time coming up with my own acronyms. Here goes-

About to sing in the
No one is surprised
Assumes Ryan was serious


He#@ bent
Almost nothing
Really working out
Doesn't want to disappoint!

Here comes "Islands in the Stream"!!!!

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