Thursday, December 3, 2009

Favorite Memories of Dad

The truth about my Dad is I can't remember a time when he wasn't faithful and committed to all things that are good. While everyone knows that about him these are the memories that might surprise you-

Dad swearing at us when he tutored us in math.

Dad backing straight through the garage door in the mini-van.

Dad falling asleep while driving us on all our family vacations and mom gently nudging him awake. "Howard your asleep".

Dad renting James Bond movies when mom would be out of town and feeding us nothing but licorice for dinner.

Dad fighting in court over our traffic tickets as if we were actually innocent.

Dad swearing at the apposing team at Brad's football games. Mom not wanting to sit by Dad anymore.

Dad cheering for the apposing team at my elementary school basketball games. The difference between my game and Brad's. Brad was good.

Coming soon-

A special birthday tribute to Thera the Cougar

Favorite Memories of Janna

Weird things my parents have done over the years

1 comment:

Howard Rew said...

Now would probably be a good time to add some histerical perspective to these memories. I will address each in the order presented:
1. Prowess in math obviously comes from a recessive gene. It takes two, one from each of your parents. I lucked out – so did Josh. Swearing, on the other hand, requires no genes at all. In my defense, however, I’ve never used any words that are not found in the Bible or heard spoken from the pulpit, context notwithstanding.
2. The garage door incident was simply a timing problem. The door needed replacing, but had I known mom was going to drive through it a few weeks later, I wouldn’t have bothered removing it.
3. I have a hard time sleeping in the passenger seat. I sleep much better in the driver’s seat…unless, of course, some keeps nudging me.
4. Don’t forget the popcorn! After all, I did have to cook it. And the licorice was red. I really thought 007 movies would help with the math.
5. You weren’t innocent?
6. While my quoting from the Bible never turned a losing game around, maybe it sparked someone’s interest in reading the scriptures. Mom always quoted from the farm.
7. I always cheer for the underdog. That’s why I cheered for Jenni’s opposing team and not for Brad’s opposing team. Unfortunately, the teams I cheer for usually lose.