Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

This has been so much fun. Below is all the family videos. Everyone did one which is amazing. I'll be coming back occasionally to post anything funny that happens. If you hear rumors that Howard has backed through the garage door again or that Janna wet her pants at a ward party come hear for the true and accurate details. 3 squares film festival is the TMZ of family reporting.

We are having a 3 squares corporate retreat in Oregon this summer. We will be making decisions for themes for next years festival. All the children have pledged to lure Howard into hilarious and precarious circumstances while we are retreating in the hopes of some juicy posts for all of you. Janna of course is game for anything we ask her to do.

Finally here is some insider info on this years films-

Howard's beard was actually a wool sock pasted to his face with rubber cement.

Janna bought dollar store basketballs for her boobs, Dad liked it.

Sarah did her entire video herself. It was a masterpiece.

Mom cried upon watching Sarah's video.

Chad guessed that Missy had made Ryan wear the scarf in the video. Turns out he was right.

Thera and Brad had always planned to do the Bomber Fight Song even before I posted about it.

Brad watches his video over and over again as he thinks he has amazing skills.

He has also reviewed Bradley and Braden's performance and now has them in two-a-days.

I've been humming the Fight Song ever since.

Chad is still wearing his make-up.

Josh didn't do a darn thing.

This has been my favorite Christmas!



the Rew Crew said...

Josh wants all to know that he did two things. He recommended using (1) animal, and (2) the Ape on seven swans a swimming.

He actually did a third thing: he called me on the 23rd to tell me I better remove all those women from 8 maids a milking because people might be offended.

Of course I didn't listen.

BTW, I love that Howard used rubber cement on his face. Very creative.

Unknown said...

Definately my favorite Christmas also. Howard has been having dreams as to what we are doing next year. I hope it fits the theme we come up with. We are looking forward to July. It is amazing when everything you want to have happen happens. This is what the Film Festival did for me.
1) Everyone communicated off and on for an entire month.
2) Everyone had special time with just their own family.
3) It built excitement that had nothing to do with materialism.
4) It left the two days before Christmas to focus on our individual families and think about the true meaning of Christmas.
5) It was funny, embarrassing for some, weird, crazy, and yet everyone wants to do it again. That's a success.
6) We have documented wonderful memories to look back on.
Does it get any better than this? I loved it.