Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Clues & Update on Sarah and Company

It it my understanding that an agreement has been made in Florida. Sarah will be lead vocals performing "Candle on The Water", with Josh as the Lighthouse keeper (creepy I know), Brody as Pete, and Olivia as Elliott the Dragon. Olivia made a Savvy trade on this one. She will be getting 3 all day marathons of "Dora the Explorer" uninterrupted and Ice cream for dinner for a week in exchange for her willingness to squash her natural talent and allow her mom the starring role. They have been spotted on the beach in Florida painting lighthouses with Sarah belting out "my love for you will always burn". Kirk Cameron will have a cameo as Paul.

Now for the next clue:

Brad & Thera chose this song because it really gets them revved up. It's definitely not a love song, though Brad would disagree.


NaDell said...

Baby Got Back! Or maybe some Backstreet Boys? Just throwing stuff out there....

Three Squares Film Festival said...

OK, if this was guess Missy's song, then Baby Got Back, would have been dead on. Now Backstreet Boys is a interesting guess. Why, because it is like the fifth cheesy boy band guess I've had. I think this says a lot about Brad & Thera, though I am not sure what, or whether it's good or bad. If they had chosen Backstreet Boys though I think the song would have been "we've got it going on".

Janna Rew said...


Private sources have confirmed that the writer of this blog is actually SARAH PALIN. Anyone who can provide Howard or Janna with the login and password to the Three Squares blog wins a FREE guided fishing trip with none other than Howard at the helm. We are not above bribery.

We have photo evidence (of both the writer of the blog, AND the reward) so act fast.

Three Squares Film Festival said...

You make me sick, leaking my identity like that. Todd is really unhappy. On top of that you didn't even wager a guess on Brad's song. Now security will have to be even tighter for this thing. How do you think we secured the "Soldier of Fortune" sponsorship? Not Ryan that was all me.