Wednesday, December 29, 2010

You Should Be Scared...Very Scared!

Well Brad you still haven't posted your video. I am sorry it has had to come to this. I have decided to take drastic action. If you don't get it posted by the 31st you can expect a visit from Phil. He is currently between jobs and has a plenty of time on his hands. He is also very angry.

Disclaimer: The expressed opinions in the above video do not necessarily reflect the opinions of 3SFF...especially if they are republican opinions.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I made Janna cry again: I ROCK!

Well folks, another year has come and gone. I thought I would post a few tips and tricks I've learned to help us out next year.

I think we can all agree that A LOT of our time is spent converting and compressing files to make them easier to post online, right?

If we could all post a few helpful things, it will save us a lot of grief in the coming years. And really, the only grief we should have during the holidays is from Janna as she harasses us to get our videos posted already!

So, here we go.

(1) Since we all need to post our videos to the blog, try and create your file in a format that is already recognized by certain uploading sites (say, Youtube, or Vimeo,for example). Since Vimeo accepts wmv files (and I used them last year and liked them), I created a slideshow in Photoshop (saved as a wmv file) and easily uploaded it to vimeo.

-Tip #2: be careful about your music choices. Vimeo prefers audio files in mpeg format, so I made sure my song was an mpeg (you can usually convert songs from one format to another-but sometimes it's a pain). I learned this at 3:30 this morning.

Tip #3: Try to incorporate current pictures/characteristics of yourselves and children in your video. I sometimes don't realize how fast we all change, and it's so fun to see the change in everyone through the years.

My best friend for this project has been photoshop. In addition, I created a slideshow in powerpoint, and in Windows movie maker. I can't tell you how much I hate Movie Maker. It makes timing your clips (slides) a HUGE pain. I don't recommend them.

So, that's all for now! Anyone else have any bright ideas they want to share? Do tell!


We really hope you enjoy this!If not, Sarah will have given herself carpal tunnel in both arms for nothing!

Untitled from Sarah Rew on Vimeo.

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Florida Rews are finished!

Whew! We are happy, but pooped at the close of this video season.

Sorry it is so late!

There's just one small problem...our video is a powerpoint presentation. We need to convert it to video and we will be good to go.

So...if you have the patience, check back tomorrow! And once again, we are sooooo super sorry it is late. Also we would like to take this time to tell you all that you are all more beautiful, smart, intelligent, computer savvy, athletic, fit, and good looking than us. It is tough being us--we can barely tie our shoes.

Forgive us?

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas From the Ihnens


Merry Christmas 2010 From the Ihnens! This is from Ryan, Missy and Emma! I bet you guys didn't think we had better dance moves than Josh and Sarah, but we have practiced hard and we know... We Rule this year! Love and miss you all!

Bonjovial Christmas 2010 3.0.wmv

The Nana and The Papa at Rew Hall

In case you want the words to this classic song, written by Nana herself, here they are:

Starting the blog in November

The writer was pretty whacked.

Gave us a picture of a person

Whose qualities we all packed.

Each of them was quite unique,

From Roon to Clara Barton,

Tubman, Edwards, Anthony,

And Ross, Burnside, and Wharton. Yah!


Uncles were riding bikes like mad!

And Josh and Sarah danced great.

Where in the world was Howard, the cad

When the Focus was his fate.

Then there was a miracle birth

And Missy's yarn addiction.

Teaching the birds and bees was mirth,

But the poison caused affliction. Yah!



Bump, Bump, Bump

Another film bites the dust,

Bump, Bump, Bump

Another film bites the dust.

And another year's gone and we're still moving on.

Another film bites the dust.

Gotta plan next year, get your butt in gear.

Another film bites the dust.

Bump, Bump, Bump

Another film bites the dust.

Bump, Bump, Bump

Another film bites the dust.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Baby Wisperer

Did you know these do exist??? Well I had the pleasure to have one for a full hour last night... for FREE!!! Man, I should tell you that I would pay big bucks for one of these. Since I am a big couponer, I got my first hour free and plan on signing up under 10 different names to get 10 more hours for free! :-) If you would like to take advantage of this deal here how it works... (note: this offer is only available in the greater Tri-City WA area) when you feel at your wits end with your newborn baby you call 555-555-5555 and leave a message (they have caller ID) saying "accordion lover" you should receive a phone call within 10 min. This special code will give you your first hour free. If you agree to listen to him play the accordion for 15min. he will add a bonus 30min for free.

To all you new moms that just don't know what to do with a crying infant this is a lifetime opportunity. For those of you who do not live in the greater Tri-City area I recommend you research one in your area.

He specializes in infants that:
1. do not tolerate their mothers eating anything with flavor
2. poop every 10 min and then proceed to scream in pain from diaper rash
3. have colic that only occurs between midnight and 3am.

I hope all of you enjoy this as much as I do!! (could i rub in in more??)

Notice to Slackers!

By unanimous vote (actually it was Thera's idea) the deadline for video submittals has been EXTENDED to December 31st. THANK YOU THERA!

We will now call them 'holiday' videos, not Christmas videos. We don't want to offend those who will not have finished in time for Christmas, after all.

Monday, December 20, 2010

I Won! I Am A Queen!

Well, dear family. The pageant went well. I won Ms. Senior Washington by a LANDSLIDE. Those poor other women didn't even have a chance.

Swimsuit competition pics are forthcoming. I wanted to give you notice since this is a family blog. Check back soon!

Friday, December 17, 2010

I'm Speechless

Six weeks of solid blogging and I am out of material. There is nothing left to say. It's Jen who writes this so speechless is an accomplishment. I am sure there are funny things left to write about but I can't think of them and that's likely due to all the dirty jokes Janna keeps sneaking into her daily tweets. It's been quite distracting for everyone.

This weekend I will hand off the passwords to the family. The idea is that everyone will post funny stuff themselves. Most likely you will only hear from Janna and we can't promise it will be g-rated. In the spirit of setting the bar low, if nothing else check back for the videos on Christmas Eve.

Get the video cameras out everyone there is only 7 days left!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

And Now You Know Why...

We are skeptical anything PHD related ever gets done in Florida.
Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Why Papa Howard Doesn't Swim

I am told that Dad made it home from the Thousand Islands in time to help Janna and grandsons finish putting lights on the Christmas tree.
Janna thought it would be a great time to talk to the kids about the nativity and the true meaning of Christmas.
Howard thought it was the perfect opportunity to, well, expand their minds.
Thera admits that she wasn't expecting an afternoon at Nana and Papa's to be so informative but said "one less awkward conversation I have to have with the boys."
Howard's side is simple "I was only explaining the male and female ends of the Christmas lights."
Janna states "I left the room for a moment to get my step stool and came back and Braden was saying so that's where babies come from?!?
To be fair to my Dad I am pretty confident he was only explaining electrical components. I also know how thorough Howard can be and therefore am pretty confident Braden now knows where babies come from.
Having taught some of my children the birds and the bees I found this tactic to be brilliant. I plan to send the rest of my children home to decorate Christmas trees over the next few years.
Howard's going to be embarrassed over this post but not quite as embarrassed as the time Janna convinced him to go hot tubbing. The evening ended with Janna having to take scissors to cut his swimsuit off of him. Do we really even need to know more?
The story gets funnier every time Sarah tells it.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Congratulations Sarah on winning yet another contest. It is exciting to know that someone is still reading this website. Your prize...drumroll...nothing. Missy claims she's too sick to crochet which is sad when there are so many beanie hat thingies left be to made.
Unfortunately it looks like another season has nearly come and gone and no nude performance from Howard and Janna. If I were Ryan I would take this as a sign and start stocking up on Coca Cola and cancel the BYU channel.

Next week is our last formal week of film festival posting. On Monday the 20th I will turn the password of this blog over to the rest of the family for them to post as they wish leading up to the 24th. If last year is any indication expect that week to be a snoozer.

On the 24th everyone will upload their videos. Yes, Josh, Sarah, Brad, Thera, Missy, Ryan, Howard, Janna, Chad and Jen you are supposed to be doing a video. That is the whole point of this website.

Coming up next week a riveting expose' that may or may not be entitled "Howard's in the Room Cover Your Children's Ears!".

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Where In The World Is Howard?

This one I fear is a bit too easy. So no clues just yet. Good luck!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Who is Sophia?

Sophia is Miracle's nickname. Miracle was given her namesake because of her miraculous conception after a tragic church basketball injury. Brad and Thera waited five long years for her. Brad's a little embarrassed so he insists on calling Miracle "Sophia" after his favorite sister-in-law. This just infuriates Sarah.

Brad was also a little angry when he found out I had spilled the back story to Miracle's name on the blog. Rumor has it he wanted to give me the finger but unfortunately Brad attended the ward turkey bowl and now all his fingers are dislocated. Which is worse than his usual groin injuries but better than the time he burst a kidney at a stake tournament.

Recently when Brad got both his front teeth knocked out at open gym, Thera just lost it.

I am told she said, "Brad enough is enough. I will not stand by as you slowly kill yourself at three on three tournaments and pick up games."

To which Brad replied "Thportth are my life!"

Monday, December 6, 2010

Fat Chance

Each year we as siblings with the help of our spouses and children make a video that is a Christmas gift to the rest of the family. Ideally it is funny because after all Christmas is about Joy. Each year, however, it's the same song and dance....

-Chad's the star of Jen's Video

-Sarah does all the work of Josh's Video

-Missy and Ryan wear a different colored scarf and their dogs assault each other while Emma looks on.


-Brad and Thera show off their athletic ability

For Example...

Do you remember the year the theme was "Ancient History"? Sarah recreated a pyramid and taught her children to write in hieroglyphs but Brad and Thera just video taped their kids playing Lacrosse.

Do you remember the year the theme was "The 80's"? Chad learned all the choreography to Thriller and performed it with his family as back up dancers but Brad and Thera simply taped a swim meet.

What about the year the theme was "Wild West"? Missy and Ryan wore scarves and cowboy hats in front of their tree but Brad and Thera had qualified all their kids for the Junior Olympics in archery and video taped it for all to see.

This year the theme is "Talents" and Thera had their video submitted six months early. Apparently they have a few like this just sitting around.

Yes that is Brad wearing his Bomber football helmet.

A panel of judges has disqualified their video because Sophia did not appear in the video. Brad states that Sophia was red shirted for 2010. Thera and Brad have vowed they will appeal but it's nearly basketball season and they are all a little distracted. We'll see.

Sophia is dreaming of being an artist....

Fat chance.

See video below.
Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hint #2

Sarah is right. Dad was at Grand Central Station but he didn't stay there long. Janna is right he did set sail and near Canada but not anywhere near seattle.

Howard is navigating a 50 mile stretch of river. We sent him to find something but if you've seen one you've certainly not seen them all.

For the record Ellis Island would have been much more creative than what I came up with.

Keep thinking!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Where In The World Is Howard?

Howard was here on his way to where he is now. If you look closely you'll see him.

Things are back to normal at Howard and Janna's. Dad felt it was safe to leave Janna who is still dealing with her grief but is back to aimlessly perusing craigslist. There was a rumor that the grandchildren were planning (in an attempt to cheer her up) to come over and help set up Christmas decorations. This would involve noise, dirty fingers, possibly furniture rearrangement, small pieces and a slight mess and so Howard was willing to take his assignment however bad it may be.

Howard is on a vessel. He didn't have to leave the country and yet he felt he should bring his passport. He only has a two day supply of food and water. If you don't guess his location by Friday he will resort to drinking his own recycled urine water, but, not because he has to, just because he wants to.

Good Luck!