Josh's Top Ten Weekend Adventures
1. Plan a trip to the Oregon State Mental Hospital museum.
2. Stop by the day old bread store.
3. Walk up to a child that looks like me and say "I am you from the future".
4. Drop Sarah off at Value Village to dig through bins for either the AIDS virus or cute leggings.
5. Put a Walkie-Talkie in my mailbox and let Brody harass neighbors walking by.
6. Tour Historic Deepwood Estate.
7. Work on our Screen Play.
8. Join the movement "Strange Up Salem"
9. Contemplate going back to school.
10. Grow a really full beard in a day. Check.
Late tonight we'll put Monday's Mad-libs up. Stay tuned!
Check for #4. I love thrifting!
If only my life could be so exciting!
I am stealing the walkie talkie idea and doing this to my neighbors. Maybe they will stop honking their horns at all ours of the night.
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