Monday, December 24, 2012

Conversion Challenge 2012

The results are in!!!

Thank you to everyone who voted. Especially our readers in Indonesia and China who clogged the phone lines and crashed the website in their attempt to have their vote count.

Drum roll.....

Ryan has agreed to be baptized in 2013 if Howard will yodel all of his speaking as loud as he can for the entire three hour block of his ward for the next Sunday. That means any conducting, meetings, hallway conversations all in the form of a pleasant loud yodel.

Seems pretty reasonable, in years past nudity was involved, but this year just the sweet sounds of Howard's "yodel le he hoo" and Ryan says he's in.

Or....If the missionaries will give him an iPad.

Either way.


NaDell said...

I'll let you know how that goes, at least for the first two hours of church...

Howard said...

Funny this should come up. I was considering this very approach as a change up from my normal, monotone, unexciting droll. I discarded the idea only because I wasn't sure how to handle the congregation joining in. Maybe I should reconsider.