Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Cross Country Travels

It was Sarah and Josh that made the difficult decision to close the Florida offices. They made it in about 6 minutes but it was well thought out I assure you.

Despite what is being reported Jill Kelley and Paula Broadwell had nothing to do with this. We've completed a thorough investigation with some help from our friends at the FBI of course and 3SFF came up clean.

Many assumed that with Jill Kelley's honorary diplomatic status that there must be some connection to the FL offices sudden closing. I assure you that 3SFF cut all ties with the US military long before Jill was ever party planning in Tampa.

There were many reasons for closing down East Coast operations but after my exclusive interview with Olivia she pointed to the main one-


Once that stuff started happening over there, she said, "Brody informed us he was done".

Sarah packed up the staffers and jetted. Howard and Chad traveled to Florida and with Josh finalized the closing, packed up what little they could and headed off for an epic cross country adventure.

They told me they were most impressed with Memphis.  Josh drove nearly the whole way while Howard did some sight seeing and Chad enjoyed the comfort of the metal grate.

Here they are coming into Oregon. Thank goodness Josh was prepared with a bike umbrella for the drizzly NW weather.

It has been good to consolidate the operations to the NW. We've decided smaller is better and it helps us keep a lid on our scandals. 

Janna needs to start posting her adjectives, verbs and nouns to the blog. Everyone else have a great Wednesday!


Janna said...

I was waiting to post because I wasn't sure which of my favorites words were adjectives, nouns or verbs. So maybe I will just post my favorite words and let one of my smart grandchildren categorize them.

Here goes: Awesome (old fashioned I know), What the Flip?, Incredible, Amazing, Phenominal, No-Way, Inspiring, "The following are my trash words that I trying to overcome, but not to hard) SHUT-UP!, Crap, Damn and occasionally Hell! Maybe you should not let the grandchildren read this.

Thera Rew said...

She forgot to say SEX. We all know she loves talking about that.

the Rew Crew said...

We now have this banner flying at the Salem offices,


It reminds us to never look back.

Melissa said...

Hahahahahahaha those pictures are almost wrong. But yet I can't stop looking and laughing at them.