Monday, November 28, 2011

3 Squares 2011 is Here!!!

Another season of film festival magic is upon us. This year is a big year for 3SFF because we relocated the corporate head quarters to the NW and held our first board of directors meeting in Lincoln City Oregon. The relocation was a huge success. The board of directors meeting was a huge flop. Nothing got accomplished. Brad napped, Ryan played Xbox, Chad was doing everything Jen doesn't and Josh gently spoke in terms none of us could understand. Better luck next year I guess.

We are bringing back some of the favorites such as "Janna Tweets" so check the sidebar and "Conversion Challenge 2011" so check in everyday. We are adding some new and exciting regulars such as "Ask Howard" where Howard will answer any burning question via video chat weekly. We may or may not have a regular segment of "Janna's Kids Confess" and "Interpreting Dreams with Sarah".

There will also be the Tom and Brad drama that Josh refers to as "Race to the Top".

Howard is worried that the blog posts won't always be appropriate. He claims he has a reputation to uphold. Something about avoiding the very appearance of evil. To which I responded by tipping my head back and cackling loudly. He really should have raised meeker children. Personally I blame James Bond.


Janna said...

I think if the women had been in charge of the Board Meeting it would have been a great success. Organized, planned, and tied up neat as a pin with refreshments.
On a more personal note, I love how absolutely gorgeous Dad and I look this year. We are getting better with age.

Melissa said...

I am wondering what categorized Ryan and I as Ross and Rachel? What was the decision making for all of the characters? And yes... agreed. where was your organization Jen? If you weren't so busy making as many trips as possible to Safeway in one day something might have gotten done!!! haha....