Saturday, November 27, 2010

Youngest Child Syndrome

Ryan was really excited to announce this year's "Conversion Challenge 2010" because after all Thanksgiving is supposed to be his big week. Did you know that Thanksgiving sometimes falls on his birthday and this year it did. How perfect was that going to be? Thursday the family gathered for a birthday dinner and to hear Ryan's big announcement. I had arranged for a correspondent from 3SFF to record the event. But, the unthinkable happened....

Ryan opened his mouth to make the big announcement and like an eagle hunting prey MISSY swooped in and stole the moment from him. Apparently she had been sitting on thIS juicy tidbit for about 8 WEEKS.

Ryan was crushed. He called me to complain-

"You know", he said "I am a pretty patient guy, I watch the Tab Choir when Janna wants me too, I let Missy decorate our house with crafts from her church nights, I endure Howard bearing his testimony every awkward moment he can get , but this, this, it was too much. This was suppose to be my week. My one chance each year to take control of this crazy situation I'm in and call the shots." He took a PREGNANT pause and then ranted some more "No more Ryan why don't you come to dinner and then bam! general conference happens to be on. No more disapproving looks when I walk in the room with a can of ...Coca Cola. You see for me Thanksgiving is the game changer each year I set the stakes and see if they truly want to play ball."

It has taken a couple days for him to come around. MISSY has apologized and says she FEELS awful and says she's JUST NAUSEOUS. Whatever.

So here it is folks this years "Conversion Challenge 2010"

Howard must play the classic "Do As I Am Doing" on the accordion with Janna on vocals while playing the tambourine. Of course entirely in the nude. To make it just that much more challenging this year the song must be performed at FHE.

Why did Ryan choose this? It's payback for all the awkward FHE's he's had to attend when everyone sings songs like "Popcorn Popping" and he has to pretend it's somehow normal.

If the challenge is met Ryan has agreed to take the discussions all through the month of December and be baptized in the Columbia River on Christmas day. Of course Brad will baptize him because Howard will no longer be worthy.



Melissa said...

I am happy to announce that I did not spoil his fun and let him announce it the new to his family the day after Thanksgiving. And yes.... I am oh so nauseous.

the Rew Crew said...

WHAT?!!! Congrats Ryan and Missy! Why is it that it takes the family blog to clue the FL Rew's in on everything? Yes we are extra busy scrubbing poop out of diapers, but still...

Janna said...

The Rew Crew is not the last to know. Missy has been trying to wait but she is too sick to keep it a secret. The blog seemed like a great place to make an announcement so whoever reads the blog finds things out. I try to convince everyone to take 5 minutes to check in. I don't think Brad and Thera have read it yet, so you are right in the thick of things.