Friday, November 20, 2009

Breaking News..........

My sources on the ground are reporting infighting with our Florida family. As the story goes Sarah knew immediately what she wanted to perform. The selection was "Little Bit Country" made famous by Donny & Marie. Sarah ran the idea past Josh and he grunted which she took as a resounding yes! All was well until the auditions. Apparently Olivia vastly out performed Sarah and stole the role of Marie right out from underneath her. Brody was an obvious as the part of Donny simply because Josh still hasn't caught on that the film festival is even going on. This has reduced both Josh & Sarah to back up dancers. Sarah is threatening to split and start her own group, some kind of Ike & Tina Turner rendition. Josh is grunting. We'll keep you posted.

Check back soon for the rules and prizes. Many family members have come forward with ideas for awards. It should be exciting!


the Rew Crew said...

UPDATE!! Our rogue embedded journalist in Florida reports that Sarah will not form a new group and instead is offering to form a power-sharing group with Olivia and Brody (modeled after what Robert Mugabe and Margan Tsvangirai are doing in Zimbabwe). Negotiations are occurring behind closed doors (and mediated by former President Jimmy carter and Florida Governor Charlie Crist). Terms of the power-sharing group also remain undisclosed; however, reports indicate that Sarah is pushing for a ban on the Osmonds stating that "if we do the Osmonds... the terrorists win!"

Stay tuned for additional information from florida and expert commentary by former CNN anchor Lou Dobbs.

Three Squares Film Festival said...

Drudge is reporting a firm "no comment" out of the Crist camp. Although Governor Crist has stated he does not plan to seek re-election he is likely keeping quiet due to the enormous popularity of the Osmonds among the republican base.

The government of Zimbabwe released a statement earlier today where they blasted Sarah stating she is merely "playing to the international media."

Meanwhile people for Olivia are calling this move "scandolous daylight robbery" as they feel she would have made a perfect Marie.

On another front Sara Palin tweeted today, drawing a comparison between this deal brokered by Former President Jimmy Carter and the healthcare package backed by Senator Harry Reid stating "first it's the Osmonds soon it will be death panels".