Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Gold Rush West Richland

Brad has compiled a crew to mine gold in the wilderness of West Richland. His team is just a gaggle of several men related to Thera by marriage. But it's Richland so who isn't. It is rumored that entire neighborhoods carry her bloodline.

He has set claim on a plot of land thought to have a large amount of black sand. Where there is black sand, there is gold. That is what his google research has told him. Others are claiming that the black sand is really Presidents Andersons volleyball court. Either way Brad has pooled all his resources to make a go of it.

In other news, Howard has settled on the first question he'll answer for his video chat. There was a large response and many of the questions revolved around what his retirement life is like these days.

"Is everyday like a weekend?"

"Is it ever boring?"

"Are you excited when it's Friday or do you even care any more?"

He told me to give him sometime. He has some friends in town and said that they would help him throw together an answer for tomorrow.

See you then!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesdays Secret of the Week- Howard's New Calling

Howard has retired! With his new found freedom he can better manage toilet paper usage, baking cookies, and fending off the IRS.

Though those keep him busy he has also started focusing on his new calling. It takes inner strength, long suffering and a great deal of patience.

He works on this with Janna every morning. And that's even before he gets to focusing on his calling.

Howard is a certified stretch and flex specialist. He is basically a yoga guru.

Because of his new calling everyone has to call him by a new name. Even his closest friends. He's been going by-

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana which translates to "One Legged King Pigeon". That pretty well describes him.

The picture to the right was taken on the coast at our annual board meeting.

No he is not sporting a beard that is actually a wool sock super glued to his face.

He's got a couple other hobbies that prevent him from actually growing a full beard. He's really a busy guy.

Come back tomorrow for a new episode of "Gold Rush West Richland" we will be following Brad as he attempts to strike it rich mining gold in the shadows of the Paradise Chapel.

Also submit your questions for "Ask Howard" where he will be responding via video chat possibly while in downward facing dog. Who knows.

Monday, November 28, 2011

3 Squares 2011 is Here!!!

Another season of film festival magic is upon us. This year is a big year for 3SFF because we relocated the corporate head quarters to the NW and held our first board of directors meeting in Lincoln City Oregon. The relocation was a huge success. The board of directors meeting was a huge flop. Nothing got accomplished. Brad napped, Ryan played Xbox, Chad was doing everything Jen doesn't and Josh gently spoke in terms none of us could understand. Better luck next year I guess.

We are bringing back some of the favorites such as "Janna Tweets" so check the sidebar and "Conversion Challenge 2011" so check in everyday. We are adding some new and exciting regulars such as "Ask Howard" where Howard will answer any burning question via video chat weekly. We may or may not have a regular segment of "Janna's Kids Confess" and "Interpreting Dreams with Sarah".

There will also be the Tom and Brad drama that Josh refers to as "Race to the Top".

Howard is worried that the blog posts won't always be appropriate. He claims he has a reputation to uphold. Something about avoiding the very appearance of evil. To which I responded by tipping my head back and cackling loudly. He really should have raised meeker children. Personally I blame James Bond.